Initiated and led while at Chatham County Schools
(a school district with 8,500 students)

Ignite Chatham
Problem: Needed a vision and strategy for implementing digital learning in the district, specifically blended and personalized learning.
Solution: Developed Ignite Chatham initiative, including co-creating teaching and learning beliefs and indicators with Academic Services and Instructional Support Team; designed professional development plan to support implementation with K-12 teachers; applied for two Digital Learning Initiative Grants.
Results: Won two Digital Learning Initiative grants totaling $200K from the Department of Public Instruction and NC State University to plan and implement the Ignite Chatham initiative. Increased blended and personalized learning in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms.

Problem: Needed to scale LMS implementation following spring 2017 adoption for grades 6-12 instruction and professional development for educators.
Solution: Rolled out introductory online course for all staff; established monthly novice and intermediate level Canvas Institutes for instructors. Co-created gamified introduction to Canvas for students. Led the Canvas Champions, a 60-teacher cohort engaged in year-long PD on designing blended learning experiences in Canvas. Contracted designer to create Canvas course template for teachers and PD course template for district staff.
Results: Doubled Canvas LMS usage from year one to year two.
Canvas Blueprint Courses
Problem: Teachers needed strong models for personalized, blended learning courses in Canvas to improve student engagement and differentiation.
Solution: Recruited high school teachers leaders to be blueprint course developers. Provided extensive PD in personalized, blended learning and Canvas fundamentals, as well as instructional design support and feedback.
Results: Course developers designed five personalized, blended blueprint courses in Canvas--English 9, Physical Science, Earth Science, Civics & Economics, and Math 1. Each course has been piloted during 2018-19 and revised for district-wide access and launch in fall 2019.

School-based Digital Learning Teams
Problem: Needed infrastructure and personnel to provide school-based digital learning PD and support.
Solution: Empowered teacher leaders who are strong in digital learning to lead school-based Digital Learning Teams by working with principals to select and train Digital Learning Lead teachers in all elementary and middle schools. Re-designed Digital Learning Facilitator job descriptions for high schools. Provided guidance on selecting and facilitating Digital Learning Teams. Held monthly planning meetings with Digital Learning Leads to support school-based PD. Secured funds to provide stipends for this work.
Results: Dramatic increase in digital learning-focused professional development and planning occurring in schools, including use of virtual reality classroom kits.

Triple E Framework Implementation
Problem: Need for consistent language and framework for effective tech integration in all classrooms. Use of the SAMR framework was spotty and ineffective.
Solution: Adopted the Triple E Framework, which focuses on how technology engages, enhances, and extends the expressed learning goals. Led book studies on Learning First, Technology Second by Liz Kolb, which explains the Triple E framework in depth, with principals, curriculum coaches, and Digital Learning Leads. Developed professional development materials and Canvas modules to educate teachers on the framework. Designed the 2019 Digital Learning Dayz week around Triple E Framework implementation.
Results: Unanticipated depth of Triple E implementation district-wide during the Digital Learning Dayz event as reflected in teachers' submitted choice boards. To see the results, click here.

Problem: Needed a plan for how to celebrate National Digital Learning day and increase the profile of digital learning in the district.
Solution: Co-designed events and materials with Digital Learning Leads who educated, supported, and implemented back in their schools.
Results: Unanticipated level of participation from teachers both years. Extended the celebration from one day to one week from 2018 to 2019 due to the enthusiasm for the event.
Chatham County Schools Digital Learning Day 2018 website
Chatham County Schools Digital Learning Day 2019 website
Interview about 2019 Digital Learning Dayz in Chatham County Schools

Digital Innovation Summer Conference
Problem: Wanted to provide high-quality digital learning professional learning opportunity in the summer for teachers.
Solution: Enlisted teacher leaders to deliver workshops on a digital learning area of expertise to their peers. Developed admin strand for principals focusing on visioning and planning with Digital Learning Teams.
Results: Doubled conference attendance and workshop sessions from year one (125) to year two (250).