Workshops for Educators
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Effective Grammar Instruction: Positive, Productive, and Practical, full-day workshop for middle and high school ELA departments. Brandon School District, MI, 8/16.
More and Better Writing Across the Curriculum, four-day workshop for 40 middle and high school teachers across content areas. Powers Catholic High School, Flint, MI, 6/16.
Accelerating ELA Curriculum, full-day workshop for middle and high school ELA departments. Brandon School District, MI, 6/16.
Why Did Word Study Get Left Behind?, full-day workshop for 40 teachers. Oakland Schools, MI, 5/16.
Redesigning the 6th Grade Reading Curriculum, full-day workshop consultation with grade level team. Flushing Schools, MI, 3/16 & 5/16.
The Art of Teaching Argument, two-day workshop for 50 teachers. Oakland Schools, MI, winter 2014 and 2015. Session 1, Session 2
Revision: the Heart of Writing, one-day workshop. Flushing Schools, MI, 10/15.
Teaching Nonfiction Reading in Middle School, one-day workshop. Flushing Schools, MI, 10/14.
Effective Grading Practices for Writing, one-day workshop. Flushing High School, MI, 10/14.
Teaching Informational Writing in Middle School, one-day workshop. Flushing Schools, MI, 4/14.
The Common Core Standards & Basics of Argumentation, one-day workshop, Flushing High School, MI, 3/14.
Curriculum Mapping, one-day workshop. Flushing High School, MI, 1/14.
Teaching the Middle School Literary Essay Unit, one-day workshop. Flushing Schools, MI, 12/13.
Teaching Nonfiction Reading, half-day workshop for 50 teachers. Walled Lake Schools, MI, 11/13.
The Common Core & Argument Writing, one-day workshop. Flushing High School, MI, 11/13.
Teaching Argument Writing in Middle School, one-day workshop. Flushing Schools, MI, 10/13.
Common Core Cross Curricular Research Writing Initiative, year-long workshop series on designing interdisciplinary curriculum, 24 participants. Oakland Schools, MI, 9/13-5/14.
Preparing Students for College Writing and Beyond, one-day workshop for 50 participants. Walled Lake Consolidated Schools, MI, 1/11.
Preparing Students for College Writing, one-day workshop for 60 participants. Oakland Schools, MI 11/10 and 12/10.
To view workshop materials, click on workshop title.
"Integrating Design Thinking to Increase Student Creativity" & "Responsive Leadership Practices to Increase Educator Innovation," one-hour breakout sessions in collaboration with Education Elements. Miami Dade County Public Schools Synergy X Innovation Conference, 7/23.
Immersive Learning & Lenovo VR Classroom Solution Workshop, two full-day workshops on designing and delivering immersive lessons. NYC Schools, NY, 6/22.
Canvas Champions, four-workshop series for 30 middle and high school teachers on leveraging the Canvas LMS for blended learning. Chatham County Schools, NC, 2017-18, 2018-19.
Sparklers - Seesaw for Blended Learning, four workshop series for 30 K-2 teachers on using the Seesaw platform for blended and personalized learning. Chatham County Schools, NC, 2018-19, 2019-20.
Spark Leaders - Seesaw for Blended Learning, four workshop series for 30 grades 3-5 teachers on using the Seesaw Platform for blended and personalized learning. Chatham County Schools, NC, 2018-19, 2019-20.
Digital Reading and Online Annotation, two-hour workshop for 45 MAT students. University of Michigan School of Education, Ann Arbor, MI, 12/16.
Designing & Facilitating Interactive Webinars, two-hour workshop for 15 district central office staff. Oakland Schools, MI, 8/16.
Instructional Design for Self-paced Modules, full-day workshop for 15 teacher leaders. Oakland Schools, MI, 7/16.
The Building Blocks of Virtual and Blended Learning: an Overview, two-hour workshop for 20 staff. Oakland Schools, MI, 4/16.
Be a Webinar Rockstar!, two-hour workshop for 20 staff. Oakland Schools, MI, 4/16.
Collaborative Writing with Digital Tools, two-hour workshop for 45 MAT students. University of Michigan School of Education, Ann Arbor, MI, 12/15.
Teaching Digital Writing with Google Drive, full-day workshop for 15 teachers. Flushing Schools, MI, 12/15.
Effective Design: Self-Paced Modules & Online Communities, three-hour workshop for education consultants. Oakland Schools, MI, spring and summer 2015. additional resource
Video, Webinars & Video Conferencing, three-hour workshop for education consultants. Oakland Schools, MI, spring and summer 2015.
Literacy & Technology Leadership Lab, five-day design series for 20 teachers. Oakland Schools, MI, fall 2014.
Designing Instruction for the 21st Century Classroom, half-day workshop for 30 teachers. Oak Park Schools, MI, 10/14.
Designing Instruction for the 21st Century Classroom, full-day workshop for 60 teachers. Holmes High School, Edenton, NC, 8/12.
Cary Academy Summer Technology Institute, co-lead for three-day teacher training with 150 participants across the disciplines. Cary Academy, NC, 6/12.
Screencasting 3.0, two-hour workshop for 30 teachers. Cary Academy, NC, 3/12.
Collaborative Writing with Digital Tools, two-hour workshop for 30 teachers. Cary Academy, NC, 2/12.
The Inauthentic Use of the Blog: A Cautionary Tale, panel presentation. University of Michigan Enriching Scholarship Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, 5/09.
"Inspiring & Enabling STEAM-based Education," keynote in collaboration with Aston Martin. BETT UK, London, 3/23.
"Inspiring & Enabling STEAM-based Education," breakout session in collaboration with Aston Martin. FETC, New Orleans, LA, 1/23.
"Learning Pedagogies and Technologies to Embrace Change," keynote. Lenovo EdVision Summit, Asia Pacific, 3/22.
"The Current and Future State of Innovation in Schools," keynote. EDU Areena, Finland, 3/22.
"Inspiring and Empowering the Future of Learning," breakout session, Lenovo TechWorld, 10/21.
"Hybrid Classroom Design: two learning landscapes become one," breakout session. ISTE, 7/21.
"Designing Your Ideal Educational Ecosystem," two-hour workshop for 30 superintendents. Power Trip, Austin, TX, 7/21.
"The Education Accelerator: forging a path for equitable learning with Lenovo," keynote. BETT, London, 1/21.
"The Innovation Accelerator: revealing the future of educational ecosystems," breakout session. FETC, Florida,1/21.
"Digital Transformation in Education," panel. EdX Accelerate Education Summit - Middle East, 12/20.
"Going Virtual: Shifting to Remote Teaching and Learning," panel. EdTech Asia, 5/20.
"Classroom Orchestration--confidence in teaching with technology," arena session presenter. BETT, London,12/20.
Digital Lessons for All Learners, 90 minute workshop. North Carolina Technology in Education Society Conference, Raleigh, NC 3/19.
Identifying & Empowering Teacher Leaders to Scale Digital & Blended Learning, conference session. North Carolina for Curriculum and Development Conference, Southern Pines, NC, 3/19.
Tech-infused Literacy Learning: Which Tool for Which Skill?, interactive session. Michigan Association of Computer Users in Learning Conference, Detroit, MI, 3/15.
Learning Live Online: Strategies for Creating Effective Webinars, panel. Michigan Association of Computer Users in Learning Conference, Detroit, MI, 3/15.
Curriculum Design & Learning Progressions: an Evolution, keynote. Michigan English Language Arts Network State Conference, Lansing, MI, 6/13.
Teaching Global and Digital Citizenship Through Literature, co-presentation. Association for Curriculum and Development Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 3/12.
All the World’s a Stage: Differentiating Shakespeare Instruction for the Heterogeneous Classroom, co-presentation. National Council for the Teachers of English Conference, Nashville, TN, 11/05.
What’s New and Great at N.C. State?, co-presentation about education initiatives at North Carolina State University. North Carolina Association for Educational Communication & Technology Conference, Raleigh, NC, 3/05.
Designing Humanities Web Projects: Curriculum, Structure, and Assessment, three-hour hands-on workshop. North Carolina Association of Independent Schools Conference, Cary, NC, 11/02.
Harnessing the Power of the Web: MidLink Magazine, co-presentation about co-authored online education publication. National School Board Association Conference, Dallas, TX, 11/02.
To view workshop materials, click on workshop title.